Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Gold Investing cons

Please don't ever be conned by those dubious emails or websites offering you the chance to earn 0.5 to 5% PER DAY. Through "e-currency", gold or whatever. They often also chuck in a load of acronyms like HYIP (high yield investment plan), and the like.

I just found this example advertising on Google Adwords.


If anyone can truly find an investment that returns that much per day, the best approach would be to keep quiet until you owned all the money in the entire world, which, with compounding actually probably wouldn't take as long as you think!

There are plenty of sites out there full of sad cases of people who are complaining about how their money has gone, no replies, no money back, etc. Actually, I don't think they are totally to blame because of their naiveity, since none of us ever get the right financial training in school to prepare us for the serious financial decisions we'll have to make in our adult lives.

The other sad thing is that E-gold is often the route for this money because it's harder to trace. I don't blame e-gold in the slightest, as these irreversible payments are a feature of a cash-based society instead of a credit one, but it probably will affect their credibility longer term.

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